Art x science


guppy science, digital illustration, 2019
One of the questions I get asked all the time from colleagues and friends alike is “why do you work with fish?” I illustrated this comic to try to tackle this question. Presented at the annual Convergence Science Symposium at Concordia University in 2019. Read more about the Convergence Initiative here!


zebra finch trio, photography, 2018
Stoked to have my photography featured on the cover of Biology Letters! This was taken for the research article titled Ability to modulate birdsong across social contexts develops without imitative social learning. Read the full paper here.


synapsense, multimedia, 2019
A collaborative project executed by talented design students Maya Moussalli and Alice Perichon based on research by myself and Erin McKenzie Wall. This project was part of the Convergence Initiative, a course bringing together artists and scientists to create artistic works inspired by neuroscience concepts. Learn more about Convergence and see the full 2019 catalogue of student projects here.


Uploaded by Raina Fan on 2015-08-19.


raising new zealand red rabbits in barbados, film, 2015
A video diary documenting current issues in the Bajan meat-rabbit industry and the livestock cross-breeding pilot project I conducted in collaboration with the Barbados Ministry of Agriculture.


going viral, pen and ink, 2014
Illustrated series exploring the human relationship with viruses through the lens of science and history. Featured at Marianopolis College Arts Fest 2014.